Prof. Dr. Michael Martin an entity of type: Person
martin xsd:string |
101a xsd:string |
MichaelMartin xsd:string |
extended xsd:string |
people:VCard/InfAIOfficeLeipzig ↪ [InfAI Office Leipzig] |
Prof. Dr. Michael Martin is Professor for Data Management Systems at the TU Chemnitz and heads the research group Emergent Semantics, which is part of the AKSW network. His research interests include Engineering of Web Applications using Semantic Web Technologies, Data Science and Management of Linked (Open) Data and Open Data. Michael is currently involved in several research projects, such as LEDS - Linked Enterprise Data Services (funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research - BmBF) and the EU funded project SlideWiki. In the past years, he was amongst others involved in the multi-national Research and Software development projects LOD2, LATC, LE4SW, OntoWiki, CubeViz and the Open Data Portal as well as the Digital Agenda Scoreboard of the European Commission. Furthermore, he has (co-)authored more than 40 peer-reviewed publications at international journals, conferences and workshops and holds lectures as well as seminars at the University of Leipzig in the research areas E-Business, Software Engineering and Software Management. sysont:Markdown |
people:Address/Goerdellering904109Leipzig ↪ Goerdelerring 9, 04109 Leipzig |
foaf:Person ↪ Person ⤮ |
Prof. Dr. Michael Martin xsd:string |
people:Events/2013/LeipzigerSemanticWebTag ↪ 5. Leipziger Semantic Web Tag (LSWT2013) people:Events/2018/LeipzigerSemanticWebTag ↪ 6. Leipziger Semantic Web Tag (LSWT2018) people:Events/2019/LeipzigerSemanticWebTag ↪ 7. Leipziger Semantic Web Tag (LSWT2019) projects:CSVImport ↪ CSVImport projects:CubeViz ↪ CubeViz projects:Erfurt ↪ Erfurt projects:FTS ↪ FTS projects:GeoKnow ↪ GeoKnow projects:LODStats ↪ LODStats projects:OntoWiki ↪ OntoWiki projects:ReDDObservatory ↪ ReDD-Observatory projects:SlideWikiEU ↪ projects:SparqlAnalytics ↪ SparqlAnalytics |
<> | |
Martin xsd:string |
Michael Martin xsd:string |
projects:LATC ↪ LATC projects:LE4SW ↪ LE4SW projects:LEDS ↪ LEDS projects:OntoWikiEU ↪ projects:Scoreboard ↪ Digital Agenda Scoreboard |
<tel:+49-341-229037-51> ⤰ |