Kay Müller

http://aksw.org/KayMueller an entity of type: Person
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Short BioKay Mueller is currently a PhD student at the AKSW - KILT group in Leipzig. Before starting at the AKSW group in Leipzig he worked for over 9 years for IBM Ireland. There he worked in the area of Next Generation Computing for 6 years and for 3 years for IBM Watson. In the later project he worked mainly on Semantic Web technologies and Information Retrieval. Kay received his MSc. in Computer Science from the University of Reading in the area of High Performance Computing and his Dipl.-Ing. (FH) from the FHTW Berlin in the area of Computer Engineering in 2006. Kay's research interests are in the area of Semantic Web, Natural Language Processing, Big Data and Machine Learning. Due to his background he is also interested in the area of computer accelerators (e.g. FPGAs, GPUs, ASICs, etc.) and state of the art distributed systems (e.g. Apache Spark, Apache Flink, etc.). At IBM Kay was the co-author of several patents and publications. sysont:Markdown |
people:Address/InfAI ↪ Institut für Angewandte Informatik (InfAI) an der Universität Leipzig, Hainstraße 11, 04109 Leipzig |
people:Alumni ↪ Alumni foaf:Person ↪ Person ⤮ |
projects:NLP2RDF ↪ NLP2RDF projects:SmartDataWeb ↪ Smart Data Web |
<https://nitter.net/pic/profile_images%2F641547816070971392%2FI3czpI40_400x400.png> | |
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<tel:+49-341-9732355> ⤰ |
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1 resourcespeople:↪ aksw.org |