http://aksw.org/Projects/IGUANA an entity of type: IncubatorProject
A SPARQL benchmark. xsd:string IGUANA is a Benchmark execution Framework. IGUANA can test SPARQL Endpoints, as well as Federated SPARQL Systems with a Stress test, which means it can handle several users which request the endpoint with SPARQL Queries (ASK, CONSTRUCT, DESCRIBE, SELECT) while several update users will update (inserts and deletes) the triplestore. xsd:string |
DBpedia SPARQL Benchmark; DBpedia | |
##What is it? IGUANA is a Benchmark execution Framework. IGUANA can test SPARQL Endpoints, as well as Federated SPARQL Systems with a Stress test, which means it can handle several users which request the endpoint with SPARQL Queries (ASK, CONSTRUCT, DESCRIBE, SELECT) while several update users will update (inserts and deletes) the triplestore. IGUANA can also analyze log files and get queries to test out of it. You can define several benchmark suites which work seperated of each other. In each suite you can define several testcases. IGUANA gives you also the oppertunity to write own testcases and log analyzer without changing the code itself. IGUANA can be configured over one single config file. It should be...
##Architecture ###User ###Developer ##The latest version
##Documentation The Manuals can be found here ##Examples Example Configurations (v. are provided here. ##Installation Please see the file called INSTALL. ##Licensing IGUANA is licensed under the LGPL License Please see the file called LICENSE General InformationSource: https://github.com/AKSW/IGUANA Issue Tracker: https://github.com/AKSW/IGUANA/issues Forum: https://groups.google.com/d/forum/iguana-aksw Mailing List: iguana-aksw@googlegroups.com Manual: https://github.com/AKSW/IGUANA/blob/develop/release/MANUAL%20(overhaul%20needed).pdf Release: https://github.com/AKSW/IGUANA/tree/develop/release Contact: conrads@informatik.uni-leipzig.de Benchmark Results: https://figshare.com/projects/IGUANA_2016/13276 sysont:Markdown |
<http://github.com/AKSW/IGUANA> | |
Lixi Conrads | |
<http://iguana-benchmark.eu> |
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1 resourcesLixi Conrads |