Dr. Natanael Arndt http://aksw.org/NatanaelArndt an entity of type: ActivateAction rdfs:seeAlso <http://fb.comiles.eu/?c=person&id=natanael> current project aksw.org; Catalogus Professorum; Erfurt; Jekyll RDF; OntoWiki homepage <http://natanael.arndt.xyz/> email past project Workshop OWL-Vokabulare im Kontext digitaler Forschungskollaboration (VokDF); 6. Leipziger Semantic Web Tag (LSWT2018); 7. Leipziger Semantic Web Tag (LSWT2019); amsl.technology; DSSN; LEDS; Mobile Social Semantic Web; Xodx inverse relations is doap:maintainer of 8 resources aksw.org Dockerizing Linked Data Jekyll RDF OntoWiki Pfarrerbuch Quit Xodx DSSNP is member of 2 resources Adaptive Information and Knowledge Engineering Emergent Semantics by (Editors: ) [Bibsonomy of ] 5.067629ms