Kunal Jha

http://aksw.org/KunalJha an entity of type: Person


Kunal is a Masters Student (Computer Science) at University of Bonn and works as a Research Assistant at AKSW in Leipzig. Before joining AKSW, Kunal has completed Bachelors in Information and Communication Technology from DA-IICT, India.

Kunal's recent works have been in the areas of Benchmarking and Semantic Search systems but in due course of his activities he has developed interests in Software-Container Virtualisation (Docker), Machine Learning, Knowledge Graphs, NLP and Functional Programming Approaches.

He completed his Bachelor's Thesis with AKSW in May 2016 on a tool that helps in improving NER/ NED gold standard Datasets. He also completed his Google Summer of Code 2016 with DBpedia and is currently a co-maintainer for the DBpedia Lookup Service.

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