Events an entity of type: Document dct:abstract ASKW is or was active in the following events.xsd:string event:past_event AKSW Colloquium “Current semantic web initiatives in the Netherlands” on Friday, March 14, Room P901; AKSW Colloquium “Towards a Computer Algebra Semantic Social Network” on Monday, March 17; AKSW Colloquium on Monday, October 21; Workshop OWL-Vokabulare im Kontext digitaler Forschungskollaboration (VokDF); 5. Leipziger Semantic Web Tag (LSWT2013); NLP & DBpedia Workshop; Studentenkonferenz Informatik Leipzig (SKIL2013); Workshop on Data Management and Electronic Resource Management in Libraries (DERM 2014); SEMANTiCS Leipzig 2014; Workshop on digital processes and information systems in research data management; 6. Leipziger Semantic Web Tag (LSWT2018); 7. Leipziger Semantic Web Tag (LSWT2019); 8. Leipziger Semantic Web Tag (LSWT2020); 9. Leipziger Semantic Web Tag (LSWT2021); Data Week Leipzig 2022; 10. Leipziger Semantic Web Tag (LSWT2022); Data Week Leipzig 2023; 11. Leipziger Semantic Web Tag (LSWT2023); SEMANTiCS 2023 EU (Leipzig); 2nd DBpedia Stack Tutorial (Online); 3rd DBpedia Stack Tutorial (Online); AKSW Colloquium (Mon, 16.12.2013) about the SINA question answering system (as presented at IBM Watson); AKSW Colloquium on Monday, November 4; AKSW Colloquium with Mohamed Morseys PhD defense practise talk on Monday, December 2; AKSW Colloquium with NIF Release Preparation on Monday, February 10; AKSW Colloquium with Semantic Web Challenge 2013 Winner on Monday, November 11; 1st DBpedia Stack Tutorial (Online); DBpedia Tutorial at KGC 2021 ; DBpedia Tutorial at LDK 2021; Knowledge Graphs in Action: DBpedia, Linked Geodata and Geo-information Integration; SEMANTiCS 2016; SEMANTiCS 2021 EU 2.557816ms