AKSW Colloquium “Current semantic web initiatives in the Netherlands” on Friday, March 14, Room P901
AKSW Colloquium “Towards a Computer Algebra Semantic Social Network” on Monday, March 17
AKSW Colloquium on Monday, October 21
Workshop OWL-Vokabulare im Kontext digitaler Forschungskollaboration (VokDF)
5. Leipziger Semantic Web Tag (LSWT2013)
NLP & DBpedia Workshop
Studentenkonferenz Informatik Leipzig (SKIL2013)
Workshop on Data Management and Electronic Resource Management in Libraries (DERM 2014)
SEMANTiCS Leipzig 2014
Workshop on digital processes and information systems in research data management
6. Leipziger Semantic Web Tag (LSWT2018)
7. Leipziger Semantic Web Tag (LSWT2019)
8. Leipziger Semantic Web Tag (LSWT2020)
9. Leipziger Semantic Web Tag (LSWT2021)
Data Week Leipzig 2022
10. Leipziger Semantic Web Tag (LSWT2022)
Data Week Leipzig 2023
11. Leipziger Semantic Web Tag (LSWT2023)
SEMANTiCS 2023 EU (Leipzig)
2nd DBpedia Stack Tutorial (Online)
3rd DBpedia Stack Tutorial (Online)
AKSW Colloquium (Mon, 16.12.2013) about the SINA question answering system (as presented at IBM Watson)
AKSW Colloquium on Monday, November 4
AKSW Colloquium with Mohamed Morseys PhD defense practise talk on Monday, December 2
AKSW Colloquium with NIF Release Preparation on Monday, February 10
AKSW Colloquium with Semantic Web Challenge 2013 Winner on Monday, November 11
1st DBpedia Stack Tutorial (Online)
DBpedia Tutorial at KGC 2021
DBpedia Tutorial at LDK 2021
Knowledge Graphs in Action: DBpedia, Linked Geodata and Geo-information Integration