Triplify an entity of type: AlumniProject
Triplify tackles the chicken-and-egg problem of the Semantic Web by providing a building block for the “semantification” of Web applications. Triplify provides small, light-weight plugins for database-backed Web applications and exposes semantics as RDF, Linked Data and JSON. xsd:string |
provides a building block for the 'semantification' of Web applications xsd:string |
projects:SemanticPingback ↪ Semantic Pingback |
<> | |
people:SoerenAuer ↪ Prof. Dr. Sören Auer |
PHP xsd:string |
aksw:AlumniProject ↪ Alumni Project |
Triplify xsd:string |
<> | |
<> |
inverse relations
1 resourcesprojects:LOD2↪ LOD2 |
1 resourcespeople:PhilippFrischmuth↪ Philipp Frischmuth |