http://aksw.org/Projects/Facete an entity of type: IncubatorProject
The Facete project is comprised of a JavaScript library for faceted browsing of RDF data and (at the moment) an application for browsing geo-related RDF data. The application thereby offers filtering by facets, pivoting, and display of the data on a map. xsd:string |
JavaScript SPARQL-based Faceted Search Library and Browsing Widgets xsd:string |
partner:Eccenca ↪ eccenca GmbH (D) |
facete xsd:string |
projects:RDFauthor ↪ RDFauthor |
AimThe goal of this project is to ease the navigation of RDF data in SPARQL endpoints using advanced faceted search techniques and the provision of corresponding visualization widgets. Features
sysont:Markdown |
<https://raw.github.com/GeoKnow/Facete/devel/facete-dissemination/src/main/resources/images/2013-04-21-Facete-Screenshot.png> | |
<https://github.com/GeoKnow/Facete> | |
<https://github.com/GeoKnow/Facete/issues> | |
<https://github.com/GeoKnow/Facete/downloads> | |
people:ClausStadler ↪ Claus Stadler |
<https://github.com/GeoKnow/Facete/wiki> | |
aksw:AlumniProject ↪ Alumni Project aksw:IncubatorProject ↪ Incubator Project |
Facete xsd:string |
inverse relations
1 resources<http://cstadler.aksw.org/facete>↪ Facete ⤯ |