Norman Radtke an entity of type: Alumni aksw:publicationTag radtkexsd:string aksw:room 33xsd:string ov:businessCard ⤯ people:VCard/InfAIOfficeLeipzig↪ [InfAI Office Leipzig] rdf:type ⤯ people:Alumni↪ Alumni foaf:Person↪ Person ⤮ foaf:currentProject ⤯ projects:DSSN↪ DSSN projects:Quit↪ Quit projects:Xodx↪ Xodx foaf:depiction ⤮ <> foaf:familyName ⤯ Radtkexsd:string foaf:mbox ⤯ foaf:name ⤯ Norman Radtkexsd:string foaf:pastProject ⤯ people:Events/2013/DigitaleForschungskollaboration↪ Workshop OWL-Vokabulare im Kontext digitaler Forschungskollaboration (VokDF) projects:AMSL↪ projects:LEDS↪ LEDS foaf:phone ⤯ <tel:+49-341-229037-51> ⤰ inverse relations is foaf:member ⤯ of 2 resources groups:AIKE↪ Adaptive Information and Knowledge Engineering groups:ES↪ Emergent Semantics by (Editors: ) [Bibsonomy of ] 2.012037ms