Project an entity of type: Class site:classTemplate ⤯ projectxsd:string sysont:creationLabel ⤯ Projectsxsd:string rdf:type ⤯ owl:Class ⤰ rdfs:label ⤮ Projectxsd:string inverse relations is rdf:type ⤯ of 3 resources projects:GEISER↪ GEISER projects:LEDS↪ LEDS projects:STREAM↪ STREAM is rdfs:domain of 4 resources aksw:partner↪ partner aksw:relatedProject↪ related project aksw:status↪ status ov:screenshot↪ screenshot ⤯ is rdfs:range of 2 resources aksw:demonstrates↪ demonstrates aksw:relatedProject↪ related project is rdfs:subClassOf of 7 resources aksw:AlumniProject↪ Alumni Project aksw:CommunityProject↪ Community Project aksw:DatasetProject↪ Dataset Project aksw:Demo↪ Demo aksw:FundedProject↪ Funded Project aksw:IncubatorProject↪ Incubator Project aksw:OpenSourceProject↪ OpenSource Project 1.793699ms