inverse relations is rdf:type ⤯ of 20 resources people:Course↪ Course people:StudentWorker↪ Student Worker aksw:AlumniProject↪ Alumni Project aksw:CommunityProject↪ Community Project aksw:DatasetProject↪ Dataset Project aksw:Demo↪ Demo aksw:FundedProject↪ Funded Project aksw:IncubatorProject↪ Incubator Project aksw:OpenSourceProject↪ OpenSource Project aksw:Talk↪ Vortrag site:MovedResource↪ Moved Resource ⤮ site:TemplateOption↪ Template Option ⤮ aiiso:ResearchGroup↪ Research Group ⤮ void:Dataset↪ Dataset ⤮ sioct:Comment↪ Comment ⤮ v:VCard↪ vCard ⤮ v:Work↪ vCard Work part ⤯ foaf:Document↪ Document ⤮ foaf:Organization↪ Organization ⤮ foaf:Project↪ Project ⤮ is rdfs:domain of 3 resources site:classTemplate↪ class template ⤯ sysont:creationLabel↪ creationLabel ⤯ sysont:instanceNamingScheme↪ instanceNamingScheme ⤯ is rdfs:range of 1 resources rdf:type↪ type ⤯ 1.992718ms