Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Hellmann

http://aksw.org/SebastianHellmann an entity of type: Person


Please also look at the page of my research group AKSW/KILT.


Sebastian Hellmann has completed his PhD thesis under the guidance of Jens Lehmann and Sören Auer at the University of Leipzig in 2014 on the transformation of NLP tool output to RDF. Sebastian is a senior member of the “Agile Knowledge Engineering and Semantic Web” AKSW research center, which currently has 50 researchers (PhDs and senior researchers) focusing on semantic technology research – often in combination with other areas such as machine learning, databases, and natural language processing. Sebastian is head of the “Knowledge Integration and Language Technologies (KILT)" Competence Center at InfAI. He also is the executive director and board member of the non-profit DBpedia Association. Sebastian is contributor to various open-source projects and communities such as DBpedia, NLP2RDF, DL-Learner and OWLG and wrote code in Java, PHP, JavaScript, Scala, C & C++, MatLab, Prolog, Smodels, but now does everything in Bash and Zsh since he discovered the Ubuntu Terminal. Sebastian is the author of over 80 peer-reviewed scientific publications (h-index of 21 and over 4300 citations [Google Scholar] (https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=caLrIhoAAAAJ)) and a not-yet-deleted Wikipedia article about Knowledge Extraction. Currently, he is project manager for Leipzig University and InfAI of the EU H2020 Projects ALIGNED and FREME and the BMWi funded project Smart Data Web. Before that, he was also involved in other funded projects such as FREME (EU H2020), LIDER (EU FP7), BIG and LOD2. Sebastian was chair at the Open Knowledge Conference in 2011, the Workshop on Linked Data in Linguistics 2012, the Linked Data Cup 2012, the Multilingual Linked Data for Enterprises (MLODE) 2012 workshop, the NLP & DBpedia Workshop 2014, the SEMANTiCS 2014, 2015 and 2016 conference as well as the KEKI Workshop 2016. In 2012, we held a hackathon at MLODE 2012 bootstrapping an initial version of the Linguistic Linked Open Data cloud image, which led to the LIDER project and linguistic-lod.org that now publishes regular updates (thanks to John McCrae).

5. Leipziger Semantic Web Tag (LSWT2013); DBpedia NIF Dataset; DL-Learner; LOD2; MEX Vocabulary; NIF4OGGD; Navigation-induced Knowledge Engineering by Example; NLP2RDF; RDFUnit; Smart Data Web
OntoWiki.eu; Triplify; xOperator

inverse relations

7 resources ALIGNED
N3 - Collection
NLP Interchange Format (NIF)
Navigation-induced Knowledge Engineering by Example
1 resources Knowledge Integration and Linked Data Technologies
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