Markus Ackermann an entity of type: Person

Short Bio

Markus Ackermann worked as research assistant at the AKSW - KILT group in Leipzig. Before joining AKSW group, he was involved in several Digital Humanities projects by the NLP department and the DH department at Leipzig University as student assistant worker and also supplemented an introductory NLP lecture with hands-on sessions. After switching from teacher's training for Mathematics and English to Computer Science, he received his BSc. at Leipzig University in 2013.

Markus's research interests are in the area of Natural Language Processing, Knowledge Representation & Reasoning and the potential of combining both utilizing Semantic Web paradigms. In the course of his activities he also developed interests in Functional Programming Approaches, Machine Learning, Computational Morphology and possibilities to improve Named Entity recognition therewith.

ALIGNED; Dockerizing Linked Data; MMoOn; NLP2RDF
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