11. Leipziger Semantic Web Tag (LSWT2023) http://aksw.org/Events/2023/LeipzigerSemanticWebTag an entity of type: Event schema:endDate 2023-06-28xsd:date schema:performer Agile Knowledge Engineering and Semantic Web schema:startDate 2023-06-28xsd:date rdfs:seeAlso 5. Leipziger Semantic Web Tag (LSWT2013); SEMANTiCS Leipzig 2014; 6. Leipziger Semantic Web Tag (LSWT2018); 7. Leipziger Semantic Web Tag (LSWT2019); 8. Leipziger Semantic Web Tag (LSWT2020); 9. Leipziger Semantic Web Tag (LSWT2021); 10. Leipziger Semantic Web Tag (LSWT2022); Data Week Leipzig 2023 homepage <https://lswt2023.aksw.org/> inverse relations is rdfs:seeAlso of 1 resources Data Week Leipzig 2023 1.527262ms